Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer 2011 is over :(:(:(:(:(

Well summer is over :( it's been an epic one! Baylee learned to swim like a little Mermaid and she learned to ride a 2 wheeler
But most importantly she's been Seizure Free (no Seizures requiring a hospital visit) for a little over 1 year! (June 15th) Though she is still having seizures they are not outward.

Health wise she's was put on a supplement because her Creatine Levels(Muscle tone) were too low and Keppra was added on top of the Depakote because her Blood Platelet counts went too low also :( The culprit being the Depakote so her Neuro added in 2mm of Keppra and lowered her dose of Depakote to 500mgs. With the hopes of weaning her off the Depakote totally in time!

We went to Valley Forge again and had a much needed weekend in Baltimore Harbour. But our lazy summer days were spent in the pool and the Beach! We went to see The Wiggles and had a meet and greet, we had an Earthquake in which we didn't feel because we were standing in the middle of AC MOORE, then we had Hurricane Irene. Yup it was an epic summer indeed!

So here we are Homeschooling Grade 7 :D year 7 of Dance and Celebrating a 13th Birthday in December YIKES!!!!How many days left till Summer is here again?????

Friday, June 3, 2011

Counting down the days.......

(Tap costume!)

Until Baylee's 1 year Seizure Free Anniversary!!!!
This doesn't mean she no longer has a Seizure Disorder it just means that she's not had an outward Seizure requiring a hospital ER visit in 1 year.

We are 12 days away and counting. We have loads of Dance rehearsals, classes and 1 recital performance to get through first. It's been a nerve wracking few weeks. Each year she gets through without an outward Seizure the better there is hope that she will outgrow CAE (Childhood Absence Epilepsy) and her Neuro can ween her off her meds.

Yesterday at dance she was a little "off" which happened last year right before she had her seizure, maybe I am just being paranoid :( I had asked her to the point of annoyance if she was feeling ok LOL poor kid! This morning she was her cheerful snarky self guess she's doing alright!!!!

Towel Puppies!!!!!

Look what happens when your bath towels get a little naughty! They give birth to a litter of Puppies.......

They are so much Fun to make and are usable as all parts are either rubber banded,tied or pinned! But we have some children safe versions with glued on eyes and noses!

Baylee has gotten into the puppy making act too, here are 2 of her creations that she made all by herself......

I'm so proud of her!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March Update....

Baylee is doing well and learning and practicing for recital in June! We can't wait, it will be another exciting production for sure!!!

Mason aka Dennis the Menace is as rambunctious as ever! He is befriending the Birds and Squirrels via the Windows. I think they like to tease him LOL

Tucker has been having some skin issues :( poor little piggie we are hoping it all clears up for him soon!

Michael the Mad Accountant with the wee Faux Hawk has been as busy as ever! But hey Busy means $$$$ Woot Woot!!!!

And alas I....I am working on designing some COOL Headbands and getting acquainted with the Round Knitting Loom! What Fun can't believe I never thought to try it out sooner.

Hope to update again soon I am such a terrible Blogger :(

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Baylee went for an EEG last Tuesday ,we didn't hear back from the Neuro so no news is good news right??? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!! Today we had an a.m Neuro appt.
Baylee's General/In Office EEG came out-------->NORMAL!!!!!!!! No Seizure activity! BUT...unfortunatley her 24 hr/home EEG shows she still has seizure activity when she sleeps(and during the day though for lesser periods of time) but it's greatly improved! Her Dr will keep her on the same course of Meds and we'll see him in 3 months! We are sooo very happy it's a start to a seizure/medication free life for Baylee. We have a long way to go but we will get there!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh Dear!

Wow has it really been since July since I have posted??? EEKS! So much for keeping up a Blog :(
A lot going on will post a catch up very soon!!!!