Tuesday, September 18, 2007


"ibeweback" is the word uttered from my not quiet 2 year old's mouth some 7 years ago.
Days...weeks...went by DH and I would just look at each other in wonderment as to what she was saying. She would come into a room say "ibeweback" and then leave. It was cute and it was added to the growing list of "Baylee-isms" that I kept on pieces of paper collected into a little notebook. A fun thing to share or embarrass her with when she becomes a teenager hehee! We did find out what it meant and still giggle over it to this day.
So when thinking of a name for my Blog "ibeweback" seemed perfect!

I am on FACEBOOK,but this is or will be my first attempt at a "real" Blog. I don't know if I will have the time to keep it up I hope I do. I don't even know what I will write about maybe more "Baylee-isms" or perhaps share my Crafts and Photography.
But for now all I will say is............."ibeweback"!